Posted: 8 years ago
Category: Career Resources

Career Resources: Check out our top tips for a job winning CV

Want to bag that amazing beauty job? Start here with a personalised CV and get ahead of the game!

For starters...

DONT... Be negative - Your CV must be positive so avoid any previous employers criticisms or highlighting difficult periods in your career history. Personalise your CV with fancy fonts, graphics and unusual layouts or columns. Unless your asked to, don't include a photo - it's only usually relevant for work such as promotions or modelling. Be generic - avoid writing a broad CV for every job application. Unless it's clear what you do and who you are, recruiters will find it hard to match you.

Customise your CV...

Your CV should always be fit for purpose which means you should be tailoring it to the job you are applying for. Avoid following the tradition of using stock phrases - personalise your CV and rather than rushing into it- compile a list of your skills, education, experience and things you are capable of doing and make sure you fully understand the job description you are applying for. 


Collate the essential information before starting; that includes job dates, education, training & certificates. Make sure it's clear and concise: Recruiters want your CV to be easy to read and to the point.


Tailor your CV to match the job requirements:FInd out exactly what your employer is looking for: visit their website, research their Mission Statement.

Provide evidence...

Make sure they know you are a worthy candidate: include examples of achievements, awards, improvements and responsibilities you have taken on or problems you solved.

Proof read...

Before you click Send - double check and check again your CV for errors and what you have written make sense. Then ask someone else to double-check it for you.

Two pages...

Employers are busy and on average you have just 8.8 seconds to stand out - so aim for a 2 page CV to sell yourself and your strengths quickly.

Covering letter...

When sending your CV always provide a short covering letter, it's another chance to convince the employer of your suitability.

Keep it up to date...

When applying for a role, re-visit your current CV to make sure it's still relevant. Add anything of importance and remove information that is no longer required.

Be honest...

Make sure your previous employment details (dates and job title) are correct on your CV as employers are likely to check.

Check your references...

State that they are available on request - demonstrate you have good references ready should you get the job.

Consider your email address...

Think about the email address you are sending your CV from. If in any doubt - change it.

And finally...

If you don't succeed first time around, keep going! Ask for feedback and advice from others,it's the best and quickest way to turn around your job search campaign.

Good luck! x