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Fixed Fee Beauty Recruitment

Let us find the talent

Talent Search is a managed beauty recruitment service for an affordable upfront fixed fee. We'll manage your job advertising, review/filter applications and search CV databases for suitable candidates.

Talent Search also includes pre-interview screening of your shortlisted candidates by phone.

If you have difficulty filling a role, need to place staff urgently or just want a more hands-on recruitment approach then this is our recommended option.

Why fixed fee?

Rrecruitment agency fees can range between 10-20% of salary whereas a fixed fee is only a fraction of that amount. Benefit from the same level of service you would expect from an agency but for a more manageable cost.

How it works

The recruiter pays the fee upfront. Jobs in Beauty then start working on the role, sourcing candidates and compiling a shortlist for interview. Each fixed fee beauty recruitment campaign runs for a maximum of 6 weeks.

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Start today: Register to purchase a Talent Search recruitment package online.

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Upgrade and we'll feature your advert on the homepage for 7 days and display it at the top of our listings. Your advert will also be posted to and 100's more job sites for a massive boost in reach.

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