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Advertisers! If you've never used Jobs in Beauty before you can now get £5 towards your first advertGet the offer


Credit Packs

Post more for less

Credit Packs: Flexible posting, lower cost

A great way to save on multiple job adverts. All credits are valid for 12 months from date of purchase, post jobs when you need to.

How it works

Every time you post a job the relevant amount of credits are depleted from your account. See below:

Standard job advert = 1 credit / Featured job advert = 2 credits

  • 3 credits (Save £70)£125
  • 4 credits (Save £95)£165
  • 6 credits (Save £195)£195
  • 12 credits (Save £410)£370

Savings are based on a cost comparison with purchasing individual Standard job adverts.

Need more credits?

Try our Lifetime Credits or Unlimited Plan

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Upgrade and we'll feature your advert on the homepage for 7 days and display it at the top of our listings. Your advert will also be posted to and 100's more job sites for a massive boost in reach.

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