Total results found for "BUSINESSES FOR SALE" : 73
Key Features: Excellent Hair Salon Business. Fully Staff Run/Operated. Strong Trading Location. Nicely Presented Premises. Spare Rooms Suitable to Develop ...
Passionate about fitness? Check out this inclusive, lucrative business model with a low-cost set up & potential for multi-site growth. More details...
Sale Introduction. The Exit Co is thrilled to announce the sale of Sunderland's premier and most luxurious Hair, Beauty, & Tanning Studio. This exquisite ...
Established in 2017, this flourishing boutique unisex hair salon is strategically located in a prime high street spot in Highgate Village. Designed to evoke a ...
The opportunity to join Australias fastest-growing fitness franchise as it expands nationally and internationally. More details...
Established health and beauty clinic, with a proven track record of successful weight management and cellulite treatment, for sale as a non-going concern. ...
CoGoGo are thrilled to welcome to the market an exceptional business opportunity in the heart of Newquay, combining a thriving hair and beauty salon with a ...
A luxury brand that offers clients high-quality treatments and its franchisees a new, proven business model in a high-growth market. A life changing business ...
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